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Tooth Displacement
Covington, WA

Smiling mouth with displaced teeth at Peak Endodontics in Covington, WATooth displacement, also known as dental luxation, is the movement of a tooth concerning its original position. Teeth are held in place with periodontal ligaments, cementum, and other structures containing collagen fibers and connective tissues.

When the tissues and ligaments supporting a tooth to its socket become injured, it results in tooth displacement or luxation. The displacement can affect the nerves and blood vessels associated with the tooth, which looks crooked, angled, or displaced out of its socket. Other times the position remains intact, but the tooth feels tender to touch.

Tooth Luxation Symptoms

The type and severity of tooth luxation affect the symptoms. Generally, tooth displacement or luxation symptoms may involve one of the following:
•  Loosening and tenderness of tooth
•  Pain in tooth
•  Bleeding of the surrounding gums
•  Increased sensitivity
•  Ankylosed teeth produce a sharp sound when tapped by a dental mirror handle

Can a Displaced Tooth Heal?

A displaced or loose tooth doesn’t mean you will lose it permanently. Instead, visiting a dentist or endodontist immediately and getting appropriate treatment will ensure that the tooth can heal properly and doesn’t lead to infection and tooth loss. Our dentists, Dr. Christopher Adams and Dr. Andrew Johnson, ensure that the loose tooth is stabilized and treated until it heals by using appropriate treatment procedures.

Which Teeth Are Most Commonly Displaced?

The teeth most susceptible to displacement or luxation are mandibular incisors and maxillary teeth, including top incisors.

When the periodontal ligaments that join a tooth to the alveolar bone are affected by tooth luxation, it can also lead to dental pulp damage. Treatment of tooth displacement depends upon the injury severity and damaged tooth structure.

What Causes Dislocation of Teeth?

Dental trauma and accidents, which are very common in children and sometimes adults due to physical impact, can result in tooth displacement or dislocation. Any injury that can disrupt the tissue and ligaments that hold the tooth in place can lead to displacement.

How Do You Treat a Displaced Tooth?

It would be best to immediately visit a dentist when you or a child have displaced one or more teeth. A dentist will first ask about the kind of trauma that caused tooth luxation, and then after a complete and thorough evaluation, the dentist will diagnose a treatment plan.

The superficial examination involves checking the displaced tooth for looseness and whether or not it is tender to touch. After that, a dentist may tap the displaced tooth to check for an ankylotic sound, and an x-ray might be needed to detect more severe damage.

A pulp sensitivity test is also conducted if the displaced teeth are suspected of having damaged dental pulp.

Types of Tooth Displacement

Luxated teeth are categorized according to their severity. A concussion results in the injury of supporting tissues that can result in tooth tenderness when touched.

Extrusive luxation results in the loosening and displacing of the tooth out of its socket. The periodontal ligaments separate, resulting in an angled tooth.

Intrusive luxation is when the tooth moves in an axial direction and displaces deeper into the alveolus. It is the most severe form of tooth displacement resulting in a traumatic injury to the alveolar bone.

Book an Appointment Now!

Tooth displacement requires immediate diagnosis, and its treatment depends upon injury severity. Peak Endodontics offers appropriate treatment for tooth displacement emergencies, and you can schedule an appointment by calling 425-358-9033.
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27331 172nd Ave. SE, Suite 114
Covington, WA 98042

Phone: 425-358-9033
Fax: 253-234-8427

Federal Way

32114 1st Ave. S, Suite 101
Federal Way, WA 98003

Phone: 253-952-3636
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Tooth Displacement Peak Endodontics | dentist Covington WA
Peak Endodontics offers treatment for tooth displacement emergencies, and you can schedule an appointment by calling our office in Covington, WA, today.
Peak Endodontics, 27331 172nd Ave. SE Suite 114, Covington, WA 98042 ~ 425-358-9033 ~ ~ 1/24/2025 ~ Associated Words: Endodontist Covington WA ~